In one word. Connection.
By connecting Peoria online I hope for more people to make plans, explore the community, and connect with each other face to face.
There's so many wonderful people and communities within Peoria to get involved with and the Peoria Pathfinder wants to help you find them.
1. Help the community find new relationships or deepen existing ones by exploring and trying new things in the Peoria community.
2. Help local businesses by providing better online visibility.
3. Help people grow by getting out of there comfort zones and trying new things.
When you're together with friends and family or out exploring put your phone away.
Be present with those around you, start a conversation with a stranger, or try to observe as much as you can while you wait at places.
Leverage technology to make plans and get people together, but don't let it take you away from enjoying the people you're with.
This website is still a work in progress.
One person in the community designed and built this website in his free time so please be patient if you see any errors. If you notice anything that's not working, or just want to chat, go to the contact page to reach out.
Reminder the best experiences are those you share with others. Stay curious, be kind, and bring others with you ;)